Thursday, January 17, 2008

Children's Ministry

St. Peter's Sunday School meets on Sunday morning at 10am. The year begins in Mid-September and ends in Mid-May.

Our program is for kids age-3 to grade 8. We use a workshop oriented rotation method of teaching. The kids study one Bible topic over a 4 week period using different methods: art, games, drama, storytelling, science, etc... It's fun for the kids and fun for the teachers! This method of teaching gives the kids a chance to "experience" what they are learning via the different workshops. An added bonus is the increased level of retention by the kids!

Children's Milestones

Entry into Sunday School (age 3)

Bible Presentation (grade 3)

First Communion (grade 5)

Entry into Confirmation (grade 7)

Confirmation (grade 8)

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